Last time updated: 31.1.2024

Terms of the agreement

These terms apply to membership agreements between Art of Ground Games and a consumer for services relating to martial arts and other training as provided by Art Of Ground Games. These terms also apply, where applicable, to visitors and other people who are trying out the services of Art of Ground Games.

If there is a discrepancy between the Finnish and English terms, the Finnish terms shall prevail.


  1. The parties to Art Of Ground Games ’(hereafter”AOGG”) membership agreement (hereafterthe” Membership Agreement”) are AOGG and the member (hereafter ”Member”) as recorded in the Membership Agreement. Additional parties to the Membership Agreement may be the legal guardian of the Member or another payor on behalf of the Member.
  2. The Member is always a natural person. The Membership Agreement is signed and approved by the Member. If the Member is a minor (under 18), the Membership Agreement is signed and approved by the Member’s legal guardian and the payor.
  3. The Membership Agreement can assign another legal or natural person as a payor (i.e., a parent, a company, or an association). The Member is liable for all payment obligations towards AOGG if the payor isn't defined. The payor must be an adult (over 18 years of age). If the Member is a minor, the payor must be someone else than the Member (such as the Member’s legal guardian). The payor does not need to be a Member of AOGG.


  1. The Membership Agreement is valid until further notice (non-fixed-term) or for a fixed term of 12 months, as agreed between the parties in the Membership Agreement. A fixed-term Membership Agreement shall continue in force until further notice (on a non- fixed-term basis) after the fixed-term has expired unless the Member terminates the Membership Agreement or enters into a new fixed-term Membership Agreement after the expiry of the original fixed-term.
  2. The membership agreement takes effect when the Member, the Member’s legal guardian, or another payor has paid the membership fees and approved the Membership Agreement by signing or otherwise digitally approving the Membership Agreement.


  1. AOGG charges course, single session, monthly, and season fees (hereafter the” Membership Fees”) from the Member. Course fees will be paid by the second week of the course. Serial tickets can be purchased at the AOGG facilities. Monthly fees are due once a month, and season fees are to be paid in advance before the commencement of the season.
  2. AOGG is entitled to a Membership Fee for the duration of the Membership Agreement
  3. Membership Fees and rebates are listed in the price sheet, valid at the effective date of the Membership Agreement. Rebates require that the Member pays all Membership Fees on time as agreed in the Membership Agreement. The price list is available on the website of AOGG at
  4. AOGG may adjust the Membership Fee and other prices by announcing such changes a month before the new prices take effect. A Member with a non-fixed-term Membership Agreement that cancels his/her Membership Agreement due to increased Membership Fees (under section VII below) is protected against the higher price during the termination period. For a Member with a fixed-term Membership Agreement, the increases in the Membership Fees shall take effect upon the expiration of the fixed term so that no changes to the initial Membership Fee shall take place during the fixed term. Members with a fixed-term Membership Agreement cannot terminate his/her Membership Agreement based on AOGG changing the Membership Fees.
  5. Family and student discounts are defined in the price sheet at If the grounds for discounts change (such as a family member terminates his/her Membership Agreement), AOGG must be notified by e-mail at the address or to allow AOGG to determine and calculate the correct amount of the rebate as well as verify the eligibility for refunds. If the Member, Member’s guardian, or a payor fails to notify AOGG about such changes, the price difference can be charged by AOGG afterward.
  6. The Member can apply for temporary suspension (during the holiday season) of up to one (1) month of his/her membership in advance, once per calendar year. If a Member’s attendance to a course is suspended due to reasons related to the Member, the course fee is not returned, but the Member can resume the course or attend a subsequent course later when possible.


  1. Season or monthly fees are due on the first day of the month, granting the Member access to training for the month or season. The Membership Fee is to be paid by the payor regardless of training frequency for the duration of the Membership Agreement.
  2. The first season fee is due on the first day of the following month from the effective date of the Membership Agreement or the subsequent month after that, as agreements signed at the end of the month may not be available for the next month’s billing procedures. The first bill includes all fees and payments from the effective date of the Membership Agreement. If, for example, the agreement becomes effective on August 29th, the first payment is due on October 1st. It includes the sign-up fee and the Membership Fees for August, September, and October (three days of August, September, and October entirely, plus the sign-up fee).
  3. AOGG will primarily charge the Member's membership account via credit card or by adding a billing fee for paper or email invoices. Invoices must be requested separately. The invoice can be converted to an electronic invoice in the Member’s Finnish online bank. Reminders for unpaid invoices are sent once, after which the invoice is handed over to a collection agency, after which the Member is responsible for any reminder and collection fees. When the collection of a due invoice is transferred to a collection agency, the Member’s right to participate in training is immediately suspended. The Membership Agreement remains in effect regardless of the default of payments of the Membership Fees by the Member, and the right to participate in training is restated once the Member’s payment obligations (including collection fees) have been satisfied. However, AOGG has the right to terminate the Member’s Membership Agreement based on the Member’s default of payments, as described below in section VII.
  4. AOGG accepts specific sports vouchers, which can be used to pay Membership Fees in advance. The vouchers must be delivered to AOGG at the latest on the 10th day of the month preceding the billing period to be covered by such vouchers


  1. The Membership grants the Member the right to practice at AOGG under the Membership Agreement and these terms.
  2. When a minor member begins a course, the Member’s legal guardian must attend the first practice session. (The Membership Agreement can only be entered into by an adult on behalf of a minor).
  3. The Membership Agreement does not include insurance, and AOGG has not insured its members. Each Member or his/her legal guardian is responsible for the Member’s insurance. The Member is obliged to perform the exercises as instructed by an instructor by using his/her judgment of his/her abilities and capabilities.
  4. The Member is responsible for monitoring his/her physical condition so that the instructed exercises do not pose a health risk. Training takes place under the Member’s responsibility. If the Member cannot attend training due to illness for over one month, the Membership Agreement can be suspended by notifying AOGG via email at or Where the Member has been unable to participate in training due to an illness, he/she can apply for a refund of Membership Fees of up to one month subsequently by sending a written explanation of such valid excuse (including a doctor’s note and other documentation that AOGG may consider necessary) via email to or
  5. The Member shall aim to contribute to the atmosphere, condition, and order of the training facilities and to follow instructions by AOGG’s instructors concerning the use and operation of any equipment owned by AOGG.
  6. The membership agreement is personal, and only a natural person can be a member of AOGG.
  7. Each Member has a personal right to partake in training, which right cannot be transferred to another party.
  8. The Member shall not behave in a manner that disturbs other members or AOGG staff.
  9. The Member is always responsible for his/her Membership Fees, even if the payor is another person or entity. If the Member is a minor, his/her legal guardian is responsible for the Membership Fees. A Member whose payor is a company or association maintains complete responsibility for his/her Membership Fees if the arrangements under which the company or association pays for the Membership Fees change or are discontinued.
  10. The Member cannot demand compensation or cancel his/her Membership Agreement if AOGG has to temporarily close the training facilities and decline to offer service for reasons caused by external factors or necessary maintenance.
  11. The Member cannot store personal belongings at AOGG facilities.
  12. For safety reasons, AOGG requires legal guardians to ensure that children stay in facilities intended for them.


  1. AOGG provides the Members access to martial arts and other training during lessons arranged by AOGG and to the additional training areas.
  2. AOGG maintains and services equipment and gear provided at the training facilities to ensure their quality and operational safety.
  3. AOGG may alter its price sheet and other terms (including rules). Members are notified of such changes at least a month in advance. If the changes are notable and unfavorable for the Member, the Member can terminate the Membership Agreement from the effective date.
  4. AOGG may close its facilities or restrict opening hours during school vacations, public holidays, and summertime. The facilities can also be closed by order of the authorities.
  5. AOGG reserves the right to stop offering services due to disruptions caused by third parties or external factors (such as water damage) that may render service delivery impossible. AOGG reserves the right to limit the Members’ access to facilities during necessary service and maintenance, courses, retreats, or other events.
  6. AOGG reserves the right to alter scheduled programs and courses and adjust weekly training sessions and the opening hours of the facilities.
  7. AOGG reserves the right to limit participant headcount at the facilities for training sessions, general training, and common areas.
  8. AOGG is not responsible for injuries or damages to personal belongings occurring to Members, guests, or their property on the premises of AOGG or closely related spaces, such as parking spaces, except if damages are caused by misconduct on AOGG’s part.
  9. Personal belongings on the premises are subject to Finnish law on Lost and Found items (in Finnish: Löytötavaralaki). Low-value items will not be stored longer than 14 days.
  10. AOGG pursues a doping-free environment and operations.


  1. Upon termination, the notice period for a Membership Agreement in effect until further notice (a non-fixed term) is one calendar month, so the Membership Agreement terminates on the last day of the month following the month when the termination occurred.
  2. A fixed-term Membership Agreement cannot be terminated during the fixed term (notwithstanding what has been stated above in section VI subsection 3, but not based on changes in the Membership Fees). After the fixed term, the Membership Agreement shall continue in force until further notice (on a non-fixed-term basis), unless otherwise agreed between AOGG and the Member.
  3. The notification of termination can be sent by AOGG, the Member, the Member’s legal guardian, or the payor as defined in the Membership Agreement. A minor member cannot terminate his/her Membership Agreement. A Member’s termination notice must be sent in writing by e-mail to or by AOGG to the Member’s email account.
  4. The notice period starts when AOGG or the Member receives notice of the termination by e-mail. The Member is entitled to receive a response to their notice within seven (7) days. The response must lay out the termination date and the due date for the last Membership Fees. No further Membership Fees will be issued when the Membership Agreement has been terminated.
  5. AOGG may terminate the Membership Agreement if the Member, his/her legal guardian, or payor breaks the terms of the Membership Agreement or these terms. In such instances, the rights and access of the Member to training provided by the Membership Agreement are immediately terminated.
  6. If a Membership Fee is unpaid, or the Member, his/her legal guardian, or payor, without due cause, neglects payments despite payment reminders, AOGG may terminate the Membership Agreement (and the access to training) with effect immediately and collect any outstanding Membership Fees, interests and collection fees according to applicable laws.
  7. If the rules of AOGG are violated significantly, the Member shall be issued a warning. If the offense is repeated, AOGG may terminate the Membership Agreement immediately. Already paid fees will not be returned.
  8. AOGG may terminate the Membership Agreement with effect immediately if the Member shows up to the training facilities intoxicated, neglects the rules for safety and order, or acts contrary to good manners by, for example, getting into fights or behaving in a way that is deemed unsuitable for the atmosphere of AOGG.These terms apply to membership agreements between Art of Ground Games and a consumer for services relating to martial arts and other training as provided by Art Of Ground Games. These terms also apply, where applicable, to visitors and other people who are trying out the services of Art of Ground Games.


  1. These additions apply to Membership Agreements entered into through AOGG’s website at
  2. AOGG complies with the Finnish Consumer Protection Act (in Finnish: kuluttajansuojalaki) regarding distance selling in its online sales activities.
  3. The Terms and Conditions for the Membership Agreements entered into at AOGG’s website are approved or signed digitally at AOGG’s website at there is a discrepancy between the Finnish and English terms, the Finnish terms shall prevail.


  1. AOGG stores and processes the personal data of its Members in its database according to the applicable Finnish laws and regulations (including the General Data Protection Regulation, or ”GDPR”). The Member approves that AOGG collects personal data necessary for the Membership Agreement.
  2. The Member approves that his/her data may be used to market AOGG and its partners’ products and services. The Member may at any time decline the use of his/her data for marketing purposes.
  3. AOGG may record videos and/or take pictures on its premises by installing surveillance cameras or otherwise for: (i) ensuring the proper order and security in its premises or resolving inappropriate behavior; and(ii) development of its operations, overseeing the organized martial arts and other training activities, and gathering and developing marketing material (such as videos and pictures published on social media occasionally). The Member may decline his/her filming for marketing purposes at any time.AOGG will never record in changing areas or sanitary facilities.


  1. The Member agrees to behave properly and maintain cleanliness and good hygiene in the facilities of AOGG and during AOGG events and activities.
  2. The Member agrees to observe opening hours and to leave the AOGG’s facilities following the opening hours.
  3. The Member is responsible for ensuring that the activities conducted at AOGG are appropriate for his/her physical condition and to confirm this with a physician if needed.
  4. The Member must acquaint oneself with AOGG’s up-to-date rules and instructions and follow them.
  5. The Member agrees to follow AOGG’s instructor’s instructions on training techniques and the use of equipment.
  6. Consuming or bringing alcohol, drugs, or illegal substances under Finnish law is prohibited on AOGG premises.
  7. The Member must inform AOGG of possible changes to his/her contact information and, on AOGG’s request, confirm his/her eligibility for rebates or other benefits.
20GG | Erottajankatu 11 B 1.Floor, 00130 Helsinki
24GG | Suvilahdenkatu 10 E 3.Floor, 00500 Helsinki
25GG I Vanha Jorvaksentie 3, 02320 Espoo
+358 50 45 30101
© 2024 Art of Ground Games. All right reserved.